Meet Tipsy; she was born very tiny, without mother care, and abandoned!
She was found near death on the ground by a member of PowShow’s rescue crew. Tipsy is growing up thanks to their love and care.
It took Tipsy two weeks to take her first steps. She didn’t have any anomalies at the time; therefore, they didn’t realize she had a congenital spinal condition.

She was growing up at just over three weeks old, even though weaning was a bit early. She was itching to try some meaty food.

“Unfortunately this was when we noticed something was very wrong. She had been walking normally, and now she wasn’t walking at all. She frequently scooted or dragged her back legs. She still retained sensation (pain) and a sliver of motor function in them.”
“We began passive range of motion exercises and some physical therapy right away until we were able to get an appointment with a neurologist.”
Radiographs showed that she had suffered a spinal fracture or luxation. In her initial X-rays, the region in question in her T spine showed a loss of vertebral bodies and bone density.

We never witnessed a trauma to cause the fracture/luxation and she never acted painful. Neurologist felt strongly that this was a congenital defect and, that she easily could have caused the malformation without significant trauma.
Physical therapy was keeping up, and she was improving. There was nothing she couldn’t do; she was the most driven dog ever!
At seven weeks old, Tipsy is a little tipsy, but she is already walking and running. Her foster couldn’t believe they’d made it so far.

” Had her first acupuncture treatment yesterday and she peacefully napped for about 3-4 hours afterwards. She was excellent at acupuncture but became agitated at the end.”
Despite being nine weeks old, she was getting her wheelchair, but her foster found out that when you put anything around her neck, she thinks she can’t move, which is why she struggles with it. As she practiced, she was getting better at it.

16-week-old Tipsy, in her wheelchair, enjoys running around the field and playing with other dogs.

It’s been 20 weeks, and she still remains the happiest girl in the world.

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