Kahlua is a dog on TikTok with a very special story. The rescue is paralyzed after suffering a three-story fall that broke her spine and hip. But after a lot of love and care, Kahlua is now living her best life with a new family. Including an adorable baby who is just learning to scoot. In fact, Kahlua was recently caught on camera teaching his BFF Caleb how to get around the house and people online are absolutely smitten.

As the video from @kahluasadventure shows, Little Caleb was just learning how to move around by himself, but luckily Kahlua was there to show him the way. “Our paralyzed dog taught the baby how to get around,” the video’s text overlay reads. “Show him how to do it Kahlua, show him,” his owner urges from behind the camera. And watching these two together is so sweet. You’ll have to watch for yourself to see if Kahlua’s lessons paid off.

The comments section was absolutely obsessed. “I’m sorry I can’t stop it’s so cute and funny,” @queencocothe10th wrote in the comments section. “OMG the way the baby does it exactly the same,” @hannah.m.r7 swooned. “When he started to scoot then hop. The pup was like, ‘you got the scoot now, get the hop bro, you’ll move faster,’” @saywhatmomma joked. “My little doggo who can’t walk just looks at me and waits to be carried. I’m going to show him this so that he can see he *can* do it if he tries,” @kellielli815 teased. “Cutest video ever, makes me happy to see their bond,” @donnadeesc added.

And we agree. These two have something so special with each other. Here’s to the best big brother ever!
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