It was December 2016, and Jordan Kahana was on an adventure — he’d planned out a 12-day road trip and was excited to see all different parts of the US, from snowy peaks to the beach.
The only problem? He was traveling alone, and by day two was already feeling those familiar road trip blues.
Then, on his way to the Grand Canyon, he caught sight of something on the road that would change his life forever.

“In the middle of the road, two of the cutest little puppies I’ve ever seen!” He claimed.
Only a few months old, the two mixed-breed pups had been wandering in the desert. “I mean, what was I supposed to do in that situation?” he later asked in a YouTube video.
Of course, he picked the pair up and drove them to the nearest animal hospital.
“And from there, the Adventure Squad was born!” he explained, as he completed not only the first road trip with the pair but several more adventures after.
The two, who he named Zeus and Sedona, became his best buds and constant companions.
Now living in Colorado, the trio is always looking out for new adventures from their van and sharing them with followers on Instagram and YouTube.
For the past 5 years, they have brought joy not only to Kahana’s life but those of his followers as well, with their unbreakable bond and adventurous spirits.
Thanks to the chance encounter on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, Zeus and Sedona have been given an incredible second chance, and they’re making the most of it!
Keep up with them on social media here!
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