Let’s all agree on one thing, all puppies are cute and special in their own way. Some have the prettiest big eyes, others have the chubby, fluffy charm, and then there are people who win our hearts with just their silly clumsy little selves. But there are those who stand out from the crowd, with unusual colors that immediately catch the eye. There are puppies that look like humans and then there are puppies with impressive facial hair.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet our favourite animal with strange markings since the dog with eyebrows – a little pooch with a wonderful moustache:
The picture has become a Reddit sensation – and has led to her owner posting more photos. Such as this cute one, taken when the pup was about three months old

Meet Salvador Dolly, a shelter puppy from Dallas whose impressive mustache extends from side to side of his lips. She is part of the 11-year-old and currently lives in a foster care facility in New York. Bored Panda contacted Hearts & Bones Rescue to learn more about her and her large family.

Allison Seelig from Hearts & Bones Rescue explains: “It’s puppy season in Dallas right now and there are always plenty of litters at the shelter. “Dallas Animal Services, a shelter with the 3rd highest number of reception animals in the country, took the mother dog and her 11 illegitimate pups and cared for them for 2 weeks, but the puppies there was a very high risk of getting sick in a shelter setting, so we knew we had to get them out,” she continued. Within a week, the entire family of 12 was moved straight out of the shelter into foster care, all thanks to a partnership between Dallas Animal Services and Hearts & Bones Rescue.
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