Beauty truly lies within, and this story is a perfect example of that. Lucky, a disfigured dog, was given up on time and time again. His facial deformity made it difficult for people to look past his exterior and see his internal beauty.

He was born in a puppy mill and then surrendered to a shelter, but finding a loving home was a struggle. Lucky was bounced from family to family, and each one failed him in a terrible way.

His first family kept him outside all the time, tied to a tree because he didn’t get along with their cats. They didn’t give him a decent place to sleep or enough food. He was ignored and neglected. They didn’t even want to take him with them when they moved. It was obvious that Lucky was not a part of their family.

Lucky was adopted again, but it wasn’t long before that family gave up on him too. The poor dog named Lucky wasn’t lucky at all. It seemed like no one wanted him because of his physical appearance.

But everything changed when a social media post caught the eye of a woman named Jamie Hult. She saw pictures of a groomed, handsome Lucky and knew that he was the one for her. Despite his rough shape, heartworms, fleas, and malnourishment, Jamie didn’t hesitate to open her heart and her wallet to give Lucky the life he deserved.
“It just happened to be somebody in my dog rescue world, so right away I contacted him and said ‘I want that dog. I don’t even want to foster it, I wanna take that dog,” Jamie told iHeartdogs.

She renamed him Beaux Tox because she wanted to appreciate beauty in all forms, even if it meant he looked like he needed botox. Beaux had a long road to recovery, but with proper medical intervention and the love and care of Jamie, he made a full recovery. He finally found a home, a life, and a human who saw him for who he truly was.

“The reason I named him Beaux Tox is because clearly he looks like he needs botox, and that’s okay. We appreciate beauty in all forms. And the dog bills cost me a fortune which is the reason I don’t have botox!”

Jamie’s attitude and outlook were exactly what Beaux needed. He had suffered so much in his previous homes, but with Jamie, he found a new life full of love and compassion. Beaux is now a healthy boy, with no more days tied to trees or lonely nights in shelters. He only knows love and affection, which is all he ever wanted.

They’ve been together, happily, for a year now. Beaux is now a healthy boy with a wonderful life. No more days tied to trees, no more lonely nights in shelters, and no more judgments because he looks a little different– Only LOVE for this sweet boy!

It’s heartbreaking to think about how many animals are judged based on their physical appearance, just like Lucky was. We should all strive to see the beauty in every living creature, regardless of their external appearance. Lucky’s story is a reminder that true beauty lies within and that all animals deserve love and compassion.
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