Growing your family by getting married and having children can be a rewarding and life-changing experience for everyone involved.
But what happens when you’re not sure how your current child will react to your new one, or one’s in this case?
For Josh and Kelly Rheaume, they were not sure how their original baby, 7-year-old chocolate lab Lucy, would react.
The pair had adơрted Lucy from a young age and spent a lot of their time training and playing with her.
Josh says that he was going through a tough time when they got her, he was unemployed and had Iơst his previous dog 6 months prior.
Because of this though, he was able to train her very well and taught her a bunch of new tricks.
He knew when he found out the his wife was pregnant with twins that life would change and things would never be the same, and he was worried how it would affect Lucy.
Lucy didn’t know what to make of the babies and was a little stand-offish to start with.
She had been the family baby for so long and Josh could tell she was feeling left out and ignored.
She would often try to sit in the kids car seats in order to get attention.
However, she soon realized they this was the way things would be from now on and that she’d better make the best of it. After she had this revelation, Lucy was excited to start helping her parents raise her sisters. She made sure she was always around and was willing to be a comfy pillow for the girls, their protector, and also professional fetcher. Years ago, Josh had trained Lucy to bring him drinks from the fridge so it was easy for her to switch that up and fetch bottles instead.
She can do so much more than just fetch bottles though, labs are notorious for being able to train easily, and Lucy seemed to be extra good with word-object recognition, so Josh was able to ask her to bring him all sorts of stuff. From bottles to blankets, clothing, and even thermometers, Lucy was always ready to help get the girls whatever they needed.
She stands guard over the girls until she is given a task, completes the task promptly, then goes back to standing guard. Lucy is definitely a great big sister to Lily and Lennon and will surely be their first and very best friend.
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