Some studies have shown that the love of a dog can be the best medicine which can reduce the distress of patients in hospital. And the story today will show you how amazing the love of a dog is.

For the past few weeks, Flavio Santos has been undergoing treatment for cancer at Hospital Memorial São José in Brazil. The days have been tough for him, but thankfully, everything was intensified when he met his dog named Agadir.
Nurses caring for Santos understood that he really needed his beloved dog at these tough times, so they decided to arrange a special visit at the hospital in hopes that Santos would feel better and continue his battle with cancer.

The day of Agadir’s visit came, and the two best friends were finally reunited. Santos was so happy when he saw the pup he missed so much. Sitting in his wheelchair, he welcomed Agadir into his loving arms and the dog gladly climbed onto his lap, hugged and gave him sweet kisses. Santos couldn’t hide his feelings and cried tears of joy during this heartwarming reunion.

After meeting his dog, Santos was checked and doctors noted a welcome change. Flavio’s overall outlook seemed to transform.
“I was surprised,” Dr. Rodrigo Tancredi said. “He was conscious, oriented and talking.”
“We visibly noticed his improvement the other day,” Tancredi said. “The improvement occurred in a gradual way and remains.”

The improvement in Santos’ health has been so great, in fact, he and Agadir may be discharged and reunited with his family.
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