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Gооd Bоy Shоws սp Tо Thе Pоlicе Tо Rеpоrt а Missing Dоg – Himsеlf

A call was received by the Odessa Police Department in Texas early in the morning. It was reported that a dog was missing.

It was himself who was missing!

One of the officers present to receive the pup, Sergeant Rusty Martin, said the pup looked too happy and excited to be lost.

Afterward, in the lobby, they even threw a tennis ball around.

The focus remained on the matter at hand, however. A call was made to animal control to check for a microchip. The dog had a collar, but the ID tag was missing.

The case had already been cracked because the dog escaped from the police station before they arrived.

There’s a good chance the dog decided he’d been missing long enough and went home.

The owner called in the next day to say that it was his dog and that he had returned home with his family about a mile away.

Eventually, Chico cracked the case on his own! Tоо cսtе.

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A scarеd pսppy was savеd by dоlphins frоm drоwning in a Flоrida watеrway

She won’t stop crying until she starts nursing puppies after losing her litter of kittens